Accredited Sports Dietitian | Accredited Practising Dietitian
- Accredited Sports Dietitian
- Accredited Practising Dietitian
- Level 1 Anthropometrist
- Masters of Dietetic Studies
- Bachelor of Science/Commerce
Rebekka has been working as an Accredited Practising Dietitian since 2014 and an Accredited Sports Dietitian since 2016. She is an experienced practitioner and has worked with a range of different athletes of all levels, from recreational up to International. Rebekka has a genuine passion for helping athletes and active individuals optimise their nutrition and general health to perform at their best through an individual approach. She is also confident in managing gastrointestinal complaints such as IBS, food intolerances and associated gut issues induced through sport. Rebekka is also currently undertaking a research degree exploring energy availability and within day energy balance in female soccer players, with a special interest in female athlete nutrition and management of low energy availability and REDs.
Experience and Specialties:
Two things I can’t live without are:
My furbaby and my iphone.
9am on a Sunday morning, and I am:
In the gym or out for a run.
My favourite training session is:
Either a heavy lifting session, long slow jog or sprint intervals (depending on my mood at the time).
Tea or coffee:
Coffee before midday then tea in the afternoon/evening.
My last meal would be:
Japanese – sushi, edamame beans and miso soup.
One thing I wish everyone in the world could know about nutrition is:
For someone who eats 3 meals a day, there are 21 opportunities each week (more if you snack too!) to make a choice that gets you closer or further away from your goal. One poorly planned meal won’t derail your success any more than one ‘perfect’ meal is the solution to all your health and performance goals. Strive for consistency rather than perfection.
My nutrition philosophy:
Nutrition has a profound impact on health and performance. Sometimes even a few small changes (as simple as adjusting the timing/quantity of foods or a few product swaps) makes the world of difference to how you feel, your energy levels and ability to achieve peak performance.